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Vacuum Valve Controllers

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Item IDItem DescriptionDescription# Set Points# Press Gauge InputsInterface#PriceNotes Location
169392 MKS Instruments 152E-PO152 Exhaust Valve Controller1I/O Port 1 575.15 F* Scotia, New York
181901 MKS Instruments 250C-3-AGas Controller for Pressure / Flow Control 1 Scotia, NY
75811 MKS Instruments 252A-1Throttle Valve Controller11I/O Port 1 690.18 F* Scotia, New York
4660 MKS Instruments 252A-1-VPOThrottle Valve Controller11I/O Port 1 700.19 F* Scotia, New York
243003 MKS Instruments 252C-1-PLO-SThrottle Valve Controller11I/O Port 1 700.19 Scotia, New York
75809 MKS Instruments 252C-1-SThrottle Valve Controller11I/O Port 1 700.19 F* Scotia, New York
212053 MKS instruments 252C-1-VPOExhaust Valve Controller11I/O Port 1 700.19 Scotia, New York
212054 MKS instruments 252D-1-VPOExhaust Valve Controller11I/O Port 1 700.19 Scotia, New York
169391 MKS Instruments 651CD2S1NExhaust Throttle Valve Controller5/11RS 232C 2 1,500.40 Scotia, New York
254317 MKS Instruments 655AD2NExhaust Throttle Valve Controller5/11RS 232C 1 1,500.40 N* Scotia, New York
254318 MKS Instruments 655AD2NExhaust Throttle Valve Controller5/11RS 232C 1 1,500.40 N* Scotia, New York
170193 VAT PM-5Vacuum Valve ControllerNone 1 F* Scotia, New York

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