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Sealing/Welding Systems

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Item IDItem DescriptionDescriptionActuationMaximum Rating#PriceNotes Location
586 Hughes VTA90VTA 90 w/HTT 600 Power Supply.17 1 Scotia, New York
41740 Minipack-Torre FM76Packaging Machine 1 Plano, TX
207721 Miyachi Peco MG3 D WResistance Spot Welding Weld Monitor 1 Scotia, New York
207686 Miyachi Unitek Corp. IS-120B IT-1040-3Resistance Spot Welding System52 1 Scotia, New York
83883 Telsonic UPS-2500MUltrasonic Welding System 1 Scotia, New York
215315 Thermex Thermatron F10-25RF Platen PressPneumatic 1 F* Scotia, New York
13095 Toman Tool Corp. TAS 2020Thermosonic Assembly MachinePneumatic 1 Scotia, New York
1867 Unitek 122001Controller 1 Scotia, New York
113130 Unitek 2-155-02-01Light Force Weld HeadPneumatic 1 Scotia, New York
185839 Unitek Thin-Line 90RA -- Phasemaster IVThin-Line Reflow Soldering SystemPneumatic2.0 1 Scotia, New York

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  F* if the item is specially featured
  N* if the item is newly added, and/or
  R* if the item's price is recently reduced.

Items from the following manufacturers are offered under Sealing/Welding Systems:
Hughes, Minipack-Torre, Miyachi Peco, Miyachi Unitek Corporation, Telsonic, Thermex Thermatron, Toman Tool Corporation, Unitek